
A checking isn’t just a “checking account”. It’s really your primary tool in managing your day-to-day banking needs. Many financial institutions use this account fee driven channel to generate income. Not us! We offer customized options to suit your financial needs.

  • FREE VISA® Debit Card with fraud detection
  • FREE Bill Pay
  • FREE eBanking and Mobile Banking
  • FREE Mobile Deposit
  • FREE Nationwide Access to +30,000 CO-OP ATMs
  • Access to +5,000 Branches (CO-OP Service Centers)

Advantage Checking Account

Your ADVANTAGE Checking account automatically comes with all of the benefits you could ever ask for.  For a nominal monthly fee of $4.95 a month, you’ll receive enhanced benefits such as:

  • 5- free Money Orders per month
  • 5- free Cashier’s Checks per month
  • Free Notary Service
  • IDProtect®- Identity theft monitoring and resolution service1
  • Cell Phone Protection2 (Cell phone bill must be paid through this account)
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance2 (Coverage divides equally on joint accounts and reduces by 50% at age 70)
  • Debit Advantage® – Buyer’s Protection2 & Extended Warranty2 (Item(s) must be purchased entirely through this account)
  • $hopping Rewards™,*
  • Travel & Leisure Discount Membership*
  • Health Discount Savings* (This is NOT Insurance)

If you’re a Platinum member, you’ll automatically for this account absolutely free! View more information on how you qualify to be a Platinum member.

*Registration/Activation Required 1IDProtect service is a personal identity theft protection service available to personal checking account owner(s), and their joint account owners. 2Special Program Notes:  The descriptions herein are summaries only and do not include all terms, conditions and exclusions of the Benefits described.  Please refer to the actual Guide to Benefit and/or insurance documents for complete details of coverage and exclusions.  Coverage is offered through the company named in the Guide to Benefit or on the certificate of insurance.   

FREE Interest Checking Account
Not only is this account FREE, we pay you dividends (interest) based on your balance!

Checking Rates

Rates current as of and subject to change.
Checking (B)MinimumAPR*APY*
Interest Checking

Advantage Checking
$500-2,499 0.000% 0.000%
$2,500-9,999 0.050% 0.050%
> $10,000 0.100% 0.100%

Direct Checking
We know that mistakes happen. We provide the option to help you rebuild your financial wellness. And the best part, this account is absolutely free! You’ll be able to enjoy access geared to help you save money. After satisfactorily maintaining this account for 1 year, you may request for the account to be converted to a traditional checking account.

  • Free Visa Debit Card
  • Free Mobile Deposit
  • Access to Direct Deposit or Payroll Deduction
  • Access to +30,000 surcharge-free ATMs
  • Access to shared branch locations to make withdrawals

Direct Checking Disclosure

Dividend Information. No dividends are paid on this Account. Minimum Balance Requirements. The minimum balance required to open this Account is $100.00, payable in the form of cash or a payroll check drawn on an institution that is approved by Us. Transaction Limitations. Deposits may only be made via direct deposit, in person to one of Our employees at Our branch locations, or Remote Deposit Capture. In order to establish Your Account, You must consent to receive Your statements electronically pursuant to the separate consent agreement. In order to keep Your Account open, You must: (a) continue to receive Your statements electronically; (b) establish direct deposit within the initial 45-day period following the date Your Account is established; and (c) at least one such direct deposit must be credited to Your Account during each 45-day period. If You have maintained Your Account in good standing for a period of at least 12 consecutive months, You may contact a member service representative to request that Your Account be converted to a standard Share Draft Account, subject to the terms and conditions of such Account. VISA Debit Card Limit during each 24 consecutive hour: Maximum PIN (Personal Identification Number) is $220; Signature based is $500.

Account Disclosure | Fee Schedule

We will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of President's DayMore Info